Non-profit organisation
The ADVK is a non-profit organization created in January 2014.
The headquarters is in Albi (France). The association functions with a group of volunteers in France and Burkina Faso.

Funds are use to finance projects
Donations collected with people and companies, grants and sale of goods are largely spent to finance projects.
The volonteers travell expenses (flight) and living expenses (accommodation, food and transport) depend on them.

Sustainable projects
Projects are identified and prepared by local people to ensuring social, economical and environmental sustainability.
- Social sustainability : The projects come from the will of the populations.
- Economic sustainability : The projects are developed with an economic model ensuring the maintenance and renewal of the financed installations.
- Environmental sustainability : Projects integrate ecological constraints in a context of depletion of natural resources and climate change.

Prevent rural-urban migration
Build indispensables facilities to development (drinkable water, energy et education) and promote family farming and
Africa population will double by 2050 with half the population under 15 years. Allow those who are younger to look throw a better future.
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