why sponsor a child ?
A higher human capital
Enhance human capital development has a positive effect on economy, environnement protection, like health and nutrition.
A higher human capital stock make easier technological change and increase the chance of democraty by greater community life capacities.
Sub-Saharan countries are disabled with the weakest literacy rate in the world. It's 30 % in Burkina Faso while it's 99 % in United State.
The cost of school supplies is a barrier to schooling
The schooling coverage has significantly improved in Sub-Saharan Africa, but registration fee and supply cost are often a schooling child obstacle especially for the poorest families.
ADVK propose to sponsor a child through an annual or monthly commitment :
- $ 10 per month ($ 120 per year) to sponsor a grade-schooler,
- $ 13 per month ($ 156 per year) to sponsor a junior high school student,
Changing the life of a schoolchild and his family
The amount of sponsorship is set so as to not disrupt existing balances. The average salary of a farmer in the Kou Valley is €30 to €40 per month.
This amount finance an annual grant which covers school fees, the student's school supplies (backpack, pencil case and notebooks,...) and basic needs for the whole family (bag of rice, mosquito nets,...).
Every quarter, you receive photos of the sponsored child as well as their school results on a dedicated internet page where you can send them messages and give them gifts.
The sponsorship of girls is privileged because they are the first to withdraw from school to take care of household chores. In addition, education is the best contraceptive in a region where the fertility rate remains very high (5 children per woman)
We are a volunteer association and almost all of the funds intended for sponsorship are returned in the form of an endowment in kind to the child and their family.
At the 10th month of sponsorship, you will have the option to stop or renew it.
Select sponsorship
BIC: AGRIFRPP812 Only annual sponsor are accepted with transfer